Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Say WHAT!?!

So..... I haven't had a post on here in a really long time so I thought I would take a page from Sarah and put up some interesting facts about myself. If anything, it will be informative, entertaining and somewhat on the T.M.I. side of things. Enjoy!

I HAVE licked the side of a toilet bowl (truth or dare)

I have been peed on... by three people; Declan, Jaydon,... and Doug.

I am deathly afraid of heights.... Like gets me sick scared

I have tied a dead cat to the bumper of a friends car... yes he drove off, PRANK ME WILL YOU!?!

I have had my car searched by police

Almost ALL of my friends have seen my bare bottom on one occasion or another.... "It isn't a party until Josh has dropped trow."

I lost my swimming suit while skiing in Lake Powell... next to a houseboat full of people

I have played the role of a homosexual in a play

I was a lead in a major production at Southern Utah University as a freshman

I turned down a paid internship for the Shakespearean Festival

My favorite color is BLUE

I have my Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration

I write poetry.... I am sure Kyrie would love for me to write her some more too!

I love to ACT

I am addicted to the T.V. series HEROES

I can quote a line from almost any Seinfeld episode
(I believe Stu is right there with me on this one too)

I got knocked out by a stop sign

I had my eyebrow shaved off a week before my wedding..... because I passed out at my bachelor party

I bite my nails

I grind my teeth in my sleep

I am a hopeless romantic... Ask my wife Kyrie

I hate it when people drive EXACTLY at the speed limit, I am always in more of a hurry than that. Why can't the rest of the world be too?

I have farted in the middle of class and gotten busted doing it

I am very susceptible to being hypnotized

I am a die hard Utes fan... and I have never attended a single class at the school

If I could go anywhere in the world I would love to spend a few weeks in Ireland


Miss Liz said...

Hey Kyr..... What pictures is "the picture" that you are referring to? I tried to be nice!

Miss Liz said...

Ok, never mind... I figured it out, it's the butt picture. Sorry, I thought I pasted the other one. Oops! It wasn't intentional, I promise! Look at it this way..... nobody "butt" us knows it's you! LOL! Love you sister!

Stuart and Sarah said...

I freaken LOVE it. Love the post!!! Now I want to know all the crazy things Kyrie has done! ;)