Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays bring us... Fantasy Land

Yes, it is that time of year again. When those of us try living our fantasy dreams of being NFL superstars enviously through those actually talented and lucky enough to be getting paid to play a game.

It is fantasy football season. Not just FOOTBALL season... FANTASY football season. For those of you unfamiliar with this less masculine and far more geeky version of the battle of the grid iron; it is the culmination of several sports freaks... what my brother-in-law so accurately refers to as cyber jocks, form a league, hold their own draft and use the success of their players each week to compete for points, bragging rights, in some cases money, and of course the title of FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION.

It might seem like he is dazing off at church, or he isn't listening to a word you are saying..... well actuallyhe is dazing off and he has no idea what you are talking about. He is however, thinking about his lineups, trade deadlines, and waiver lists. Don't fault him for this vice, he is only a man.... and well.... If you really need to talk to him that bad, just wait until a commercial or Tuesday.

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