Friday, October 10, 2008

Brit and I are AMAZING!!!

Yesterday was an event! I begged Brit to ride home with me from work so I wouldn't be lonely during the rush hour commute. She reluctantly accepted and we were on our way! I got on I-215 from 201 and was cruising along chatting with Brit when my car made this funny "thunk". We looked at each other and around where we were at to see if I maybe ran something over, but we didn't see anything so we kept on truckin'! A few minutes later I was up to my freeway speed and my car all of the sudden sounded like I was dragging a dead body behind it.

Brit's Reaction: "Oh my heck, Pull Over, Pull're not over far enough....Kyrie get over you're too far over."
Kyrie's Reaction: "What is that noise?" So I took my foot off of the gas and started to get over.

We pull over and yes, my tire was blown. So then the adventure really begins! We get out of the car (Both of us in High Heels) and research the damage. I tend to carry a lot of "treasures" in my trunk, which normally isn't a problem until you blow a tire and need to get to the spare. So, Brit and I were on the side of I-215, in heels, unpacking my trunk, and then trying to get the dang tire out! Brit and I are both short, so when we did get to the tire, it was really hard for us to get it out of the trunk! With that we were on our way to being "fix-it" girls.

My dad made it a point to teach Brit and I how to change a tire (we can do oil too!) when we were little. What he failed to do was teach us that there are other types of jacks, not just the pump up and down kind. So for the next 10-15 minutes Brit and I are trying to get the handle on the jack to release so we can get this stupid tire on. Cars keep going by, a few Highway Patrol cars go by, and the next thing we know we're getting honked our mom!!! (She recognized us from my orange heels!) At this point, Brit and I are both on our cell phones trying to get a hold of someone, mom has pulled over about 200 yards ahead of us, and we don't know weather to laugh or cry! For the record, we called: Josh (who was in Ogden picking up Declan), Mike (who didn't answer), Stephen and Lance (who were both gone for the day), and Ryan (who picked up his phone, said, "Obviously I'm at work. Call me later." then hung up).

Just when mom calls to see if we are all right a scary beater white truck pulls over to help us. His plates were from California (thanks all you nice Utah drivers for just passing us!!) and he was a very tired looking old man. As soon as he pulled over another SUV pulls behind us (Wow! 20 minutes later and we finally get 2 strangers!!) Any who, the SUV leaves because the little old man told him too, and he continues to change our tire. After another 15 minutes we were on our way!

I dropped Brit off at home, where she chewed Mike out for not answering his phone. And I continued the adventure all the way to Big-O tires in Layton (off of main!) My dad tells me to take the car there and tell them that "Wayne Sent Me." So that is what I did. The next thing I know is the guys are looking at me like I am some crazy person and ask me who Wayne is and why they should know them. At this time the water works were about to start and I just stared blankly at them. Finally, they said, "We're just kidding! Your dad already called to tell us you were coming!" It took all that I had not to cry, swear, or throw a jack. Good thing they admitted to the joke then! They fixed my tire in record time (actually I had to get a new one...but who's counting!) and then I finally made it home to Josh and Declan!

The End!


Stuart and Sarah said...

Are you kidding me. I would have paid good money to see you and Brit changing a tire. You guys are troopers. Glad someone finally stopped, stupid Utah drivers.
Love ya

Singing Reep said...

Holy cow....seriously. You have the BEST luck!!! By the didn't call me!!! I could have sent my daddy. He was like right there!!! I'm glad that you didn't get killed on the side of the highway...and that the nice old man helped you. O'doyle Rules....

Miss Liz said...

I agree with the Reeders! I would have paid good money to see that, but at tha same time I am so sorry you were stranded! Thank goodness for good samaratins!
Kyrie, like I said before, at least you didn't lock you keys in the car! (Love you Joshy!)
Love you guys!